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Gaming & Gambling
Accurate AML and Fraud Solutions
The Safe Bet of Gambling Sector

Gaming and Gambling firms face the challenge of both anti-money laundering and KYC. The situation creates numerous operational difficulties, as businesses take a stricter approach and have a vague vision of due diligence of customers and transactions

Organisations we assist in the Gaming & Gambling sector


Our Approach

We fully understand the challenges of gaming and gambling firms. For that reason, our latest solution, Onboarding, KYC & AML features all the necessary modules that will help you comply with your KYC and AML, while reducing costs and increasing productivity.


Real time onboarding and monitoring

  • Comply with regulations across the globe and across various time zones, thus building the ideal environment for players during onboarding.

  • Standardise and measure your Risks via automated screening checks for both KYC & AML.

  • Utilise our flexible and scalable platform to deliver a comprehensive, automated risk assessment to fit this regulatory environment.

  • Highly Configurable API for a centralised client profile.

Transaction Monitoring - Our Automated View

  • Use dynamically created rules which can monitor corporate data, detect gaming and gambling patterns and suspicious activities, and stop high-risk transactions as they occur.

  • Understand the behaviour of your clients and draw correct and fast conclusions with the assistance of cutting edge analytics.

  • Oversee cases and group work processes, and keep your review trail in the platform while matching up flawlessly with your inside frameworks by means of our single API.


The end-to-end solution that will revolutionise the way you comply

  • Risk Assessment

  • AML Transaction Monitoring

  • Transaction Screening

  • Client Lifecycle Management

  • PEPs, Sanctions, Adverse Media

  • Digital Identity Verification & Screening

Are you ready to upgrade your compliance operations?

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