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A solution to your Risk and Compliance Management while doing Business

The business operations of Investment Firms are highly complex. Due to the nature of this sector, the detection and mitigation of the risks involved in money laundering are crucial

Organizations we assist in the Investment sector

Working on the Go

We understand your needs

Our years of experience in the Investment sector have allowed us to develop breakthrough Solutions which instantly grasp the unique and complex nature of financial institutions.

Our innovative Onboarding, KYC & AML (embed link to the solution) platform is holistic software which ensures multifaceted management of Risk, Compliance, and Fraud Management within the business operations of the Investment industry.

Enhanced by technologies that minimise the chance of reputational damage

  • Grow your portfolio of corporate transactions without the nuisance of compliance troubles, risk hazards, fraud occurrence, and AML activity.

  • Protect the reputation of your firm from unwanted financial penalties, and respond to regulatory requirements and requests faster than ever.

  • Stay in line with regulatory changes and market news while executing AML and KYC tasks in a fraction of the time. Automate your compliance via machine learning and carefully crafted rules.

Working on the Go
Adult Education Course

Onboarding, monitor and centralise compliance

  • Seamless onboarding of clients via screening for PEP lists, Sanction lists, Adverse Media, Electronic Document Verification, Electronic Identity Verification etc to check for political exposure and source of wealth.

  • Automate and Simplify your Risk Assessment Approach by aggregating multiple risk categories, and provide seamless updates to address any regulatory changes.

  • Accurately identify behavioural changes in client transactions and receive in-depth alerts showcasing possible money-laundering scenarios.

What our clients think of us

“Software Automation can do wonders for an organisation’s day to day operations. This has been the case with the Primecheck Compliance solution which we have introduced in our organisation. A highly intuitive software tool which manages effectively our compliance requests and requirements.”

Vik. L


Up Your Compliance Game!

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